ECOP 2027 Anastasios Tsaousis, President of Protistology UK, will host the 10th ECOP in September 2027 in Limassol, Cyprus
2028 Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 27 – March 3, 2028, Vancouver, British Columbia, CA
2027 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February 28 – March 5, 2027, Honolulu, Hawaii
2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 22-27, 2026, Glasgow, Scotland
ASLO (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography) Meetings
Several ASLO conferences are planned for this and the next few years
2026 ASLO-SIL Joint Meeting, MAY 12-16, 2026, Montreal, Quebec, CA
16th ICOP 2025
The originally for 2022 planned ICOP (The 16th International Congress of Protistology-Joint Meeting of ICOP/ISOP/ISEP) will be held at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, Korea, on 19–24 June 2025. This meeting is co-sponsored by the International Society of Protistologists (ISOP) and the International Society for Evolutionary Protistologists (ISEP) and will be organized by the Korean Society […]